Basic Information!

Hi guys,
As you probably all know my name is Angelique Felix and I created this to give everyone information about this tree, the Honey Mesquite or as it is scientifically known as  the Prosopis Glandulosa. This tree thrives in a desert biome, which is why it is able to grow here in Arizona, and other places such as Texas. Environments such as the desert biome have the ideal conditions for the Mesquite tree to grow in, conditions such as;
  • Soil 
  • pH
  • Water
  • Light

This plant has extraordinary adaptations that allow it to grow in these dry, hot environments. It means is adapts to any soil that is not “soggy”, meaning poorly draining soil and that soil has a pH between 6 and 9. Its adaptations are not limited to the soil, but they also require little water and little nutrients. and fix nitrogen and release it back into the soil. As all other plants, the Honey Mesquite requires light, and living in the desert allows it the extreme amount it needs to produce energy and go through photosynthesis. 

Now, I leave you with this picture of the Amazing Honey Mesquite!